Friday, May 22, 2009

CONNECTICUT ACTION Needed Now! Senate just voted to end death penalty

Just after 4am this morning, the Connecticut Senate voted 19 to 17 to repeal that state's death penalty. This follows on the heals of the unexpectedly overwhelming 90-56 vote in the House last week. The bill is now on its way to the desk of Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell, who in media reports is saying that she still supports the death penalty and is suggesting that she may veto the bill.

There is no time to lose!

If you live in Connecticut, please call and e-mail Governor Rell.

If you live elsewhere, please think about who you know who lives in Connecticut and forward this action request to them. Then call them to alert them to your e-mail and ask them to both call and e-mail Governor Rell immediately with the message that:

"I live in Connecticut and I am very happy the the legislature passed a bill to repeal the death penalty. Please sign that bill."

The phone is 860-566-4840.

The email:

Letters, blog posts and comments expressing a similar sentiment on the web pages of Connecticut newspapers would be useful as well.

To stay updated on what is happening in Connecticut, join CNADP by sending an e-mail to CNADP's executive director Ben Jones at See CNADP's web page here

TODAY is the day that you can help make all the difference. Please take action now!


Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director of Affiliate Support

CLICK here

PS - Have an excellent holiday weekend!

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