Monday, March 31, 2008

"Walk 4 Life" Begins

Latallade, CAPITAL "X", began his “Walk 4 Life” on March 31, 2008 at 5AM at the state house in Trenton, NJ, the first state to abolish the death penalty in the last 40 years. He plans to walk 1700 miles through 10 of the highest executing states and arrive at Governor's mansion in Austin, Texas, "the busiest killing state in the country,” to await the Supreme Courts’ ruling on the constitutionality of capital punishment.

Latallade estimates it will take 54 days walking 8 hours/day at 3.5 mph. He will take a break to participate on a panel at the Hip Hop Association's HHEAL Festival in the Bronx, New York April 18-20.

This is one of the most exciting events of our time: a BRINGING TOGETHER of so many folk of all ages, countries, backgrounds and experiences. KEEP WATCHING--SEND YOUR PHOTOS AND RESPONSES FOR US TO PRINT. Try to find Capital "X" along his way for some mutual inspiration. Thanks so much for tuning in!

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