Tuesday, April 29, 2008

X is leaving South Carolina and Georgia

New Calendar
Soon: Walk/travel from Atlanta to Anniston, Alabama
Wednesday 30th or soon: 2 days walk to Birmingham, AL
Thursday 1st: 4 day walk to Tupelo, MS
Monday 5th: 4 day walk to Texarkana, TX
Sunday 10th: 5 day walk to Dallas
Friday 16th: 6 day walk to Austin
(He may be running just a little behind schedule dueto a few special happenings?)
If you want to be surprised, think out of the box, getunexpected energy for the cause, support somethingthat is flowing with improbable grace: Walk with X!
We in SC and Georgia found ourselves in sacred"street" places and profound moments of conversationyet never without occasions of fun and joy. We have anew perspective for Spring! We're filled with renewedhearts of love, light and prayer for loved ones behindbars as well as our family and friends at home.
A huge part of our bliss with X on this Walk isre-connecting with one another! Along with prayers forour brothers, sisters, sons, husbands and friends inprison -- including those still facing the deathpenalty -- we send a deep heart of love for those whohave lost their loved ones to this wretched system ofstate killing. We call with X: "Stop the Killing!" Aspecial heartfelt blessing to all the family ofinmates in the Carolinas and Georgia!
And Check-out more on this walk in our archives andlook for contact info on the right. Support the saleof Walk 4 Life T-shirts (LINK on right column)and tryto do whatever you can to make X's stay blessed whenhe's in your neck of the wood.

T-Shirts still available
The shirts can be purchased online on >Andre's myspace page
There are all the different shirts, including the Walk 4 Life ones.
You can also write to projectrevolution2010@gmail.com to purchase a shirt.
The problem with the myspace thing is that it doesnt allow you to chose size and you can only purchase 1 shirt.Therefore it might be better to make a donation (of the amount of a shirt) and write to this email to specify the size and quantity.

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