Friday, October 17, 2008

Global Day of Action for Troy Davis
October 23, 2008

Rally in Atlanta! Download the flyer.

Organize a solidarity event in your hometown! Go here for more information.

Download a photo of Troy Davis to hold at your rally.

Download a fact sheet to provide passersby with more information.

The Georgia Board has the power to step in at any point, so we encourage you to continue to collect letters and petitions asking them to issue clemency.

» TAKE ACTION! Write a letter to the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles

To see what activists are doing in Georgia, please visit GFADP.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. It's quick and easy using the ACLU's website.
Text "TROY" to 90999 to help spread the word with your cell phone.

Listen to Troy tell his story
Hear from Troy's sister
Join the discussion on aiusa blog
(Yes, it does go all the way up to mid-October...)


One more action--this one for Clergy (and people of faith)

We are looking to organize a sign-on letter to Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue on behalf of Troy Davis. A letter specifically for Georgia clergy is also being circulated within that state, but below is a letter for non-Georgia clergy.

If you are a member of the clergy, please see the below, sign it, and send it in.

If you know a member of the clergy, please send or take this to them THIS WEEKEND or on Monday or Tuesday, and ask them to sign it and send it in before the deadline of October 23 at 10am EDT.

If you know someone who knows a member of the clergy... well, you get the idea.

Details and the letter are pasted below ...

(Georgia man with strong innocence case)

To endorse this letter, please send your name, title, affiliation
(e.g. congregation or organization if applicable), mailing address,
phone number and email address to Amnesty International:
bevans@aiusa. org / Phone: 202-544-0200 x 496

Please share this letter with other clergy contacts of yours, so that we can build a strong list!

Note: we will publicize this letter, including all of its endorsers; therefore, by signing on to this letter you agree that we can publicly list your name in association with this letter. We will not use your name for other purposes unless expressly permitted by you.

Please send your endorsement as soon as possible or by October 23, 10am.

Thank you for your support!

Brian Evans
Amnesty International USA
202-544-0200 x 496

Dear Governor Perdue,

We the undersigned clergy write to you as the chief political leader of your state. As leaders in our respective faith communities, we all find within our teachings a divine directive to support justice in the world and to uphold the sacredness of life. As Governor, you too bear a responsibility to support and promote justice for the people of Georgia. As such, our faith compels us to share with you our concern for Troy Anthony Davis, who faces execution by the state of Georgia on behalf of its citizens.

Almost twenty years ago, a police officer was tragically murdered in Savannah. We are deeply troubled that an innocent man may be executed for this awful crime. Should the state of Georgia carry out the execution of Troy Davis on October, 27, it is possible that justice will be denied for both Davis and Officer Mark Allen MacPhail.

We are distressed by the inability of the appeals courts to provide a hearing or new trial to examine evidence that Troy Davis did not murder Mark MacPhail. We are distressed that in a case based solely on witness testimony the unprecedented number of witness recantations has not impressed the courts enough to re-examine the case. We are distressed that the appeals process has become so restrictive that the bar for proving innocence has become virtually unattainable. Finality and procedure must never be deemed of higher importance than questions of innocence and truth in the pursuit of justice, especially when human life is at stake.

In 2005, despite his feeling that Robin Lovitt was guilty of murder, enough doubts emerged to suggest his innocence so that Governor Mark Warner of Virginia commuted the sentence of death to life in order to prevent the possibility of a wrongful execution. The Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles has the same option. Questions of innocence in the Davis case have not been resolved in a court of law. Such questions weigh very heavily on our hearts. Commuting Davis's sentence to life would affirm the principle that doubt is not acceptable in the application of a system that irreversibly takes human life.

We are aware that executive clemency power in Georgia rests in the hands of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. We are also aware that the board acts on behalf of the executive branch of government and is a governor-appointed body. We believe that the reputation of your state is on the line. The faith Georgia citizens have in the justice system is also on the line. We believe you have tremendous influence and moral authority as the leader of your state. We pray that you will ask God for guidance on how best to use the prestige of your office to ensure that a terrible, but preventable, tragedy does not befall your state on October 27.

Yours truly,

[List of endorsers]

Name: ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Title: ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Affiliation: ____________ _________ _________ _______
Address: ____________ _________ _________ _________
Telephone: ____________ _________ _________ ________
Email: ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___

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