Thursday, December 04, 2008

A message from Ron Keine

Some times an old adage really rings true. Like the one that says that if you look hard enough, you can find something you like about any human being. In the case of New Mexico's Governor Bill Richardson, that one thing is his much celebrated and anticipated absence.

President-elect Barack Obama named New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson as commerce secretary on Wednesday.

As Governor Richardson packs his saddlebags for Washington, Abolitionists all over New Mexico are saying "Good riddance". Now that the beautiful state is disencumbered of one of the worst pro death penalty proponents the state has even known, abolition looks almost eminent. Bill Richardson, almost single handedly, circumvented every effort by the New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty and other fine abolitionists. It could very well be the Next state to abolish the death penalty.

Note: Jenifer Kirby of the Montana Coalition believes that Montana is so close that it may be the next to abolish. Let us not forget also that Maryland may well surprise all of us.

Stepping up to the plate as Governor Of New Mexico is Lieutenant Governor Diane D. Denish who is against the death penalty. Maybe now we have someone who will do the right thing.

Ron Keine

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