Saturday, May 16, 2009


On May 12th Terri, Bill and Ray visited the Birklehof, a very good boarding school in Hinterzarten/Balck Forest.

If you look at the right, you'll see my good friend Karin. Karin is a sworn translator and uses her abilities to help the abolition movement. As you might know the GCADP regularly puts translated news from all over the world on its homepage and every time one finds a perfectly translated article there, this was Karins work. She also translates other important information and helps Amnesty translating documents. Although she's always in the background and barely ever getting noticed, her work is very important for the movement over here.

Even if the head would not to be seen on this photo, everybody who watched Ray speaking before would be able to tell that this is him.

Students and teachers

This was something which happend everywhere as well: after the event was over, lots of people gathered around the speakers and kept asking questions. People over here - especially students - were very interested.

Signing petitions

Lunch in the mensa after the event. Apart from all the work and stressy (and doing 34 events in 18 days is VERY stressy!) there was lots of fun during the tour as well...

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