Saturday, October 23, 2010

No Less than 9 plus events (last Sunday alone) for Texas Journey of Hope 2010...

You just have to check these out at the Texas Journey 2010 blogsite including a bit of the genius Charlie King and Karen Brandow truly are as Journey Troubadours...I'll never forget Charlie as such a poet/songwriter/musician of great, heart-pulling depth when I went on a Texas Journey - this time, Karen even adds more spice and expanse to what was already brilliant!

Here's the intro from Gilles:

There were no less than 9 events for Texas Journey of Hope that Sunday in Houston! (Not to mention all the others since then)...

Our speakers were sent in all directions to raise awareness and speak against the death penalty in Texas. In the evening, our Journey troubadours Charlie King and Karen Brandow offered their talent at a fundraiser concert for Journey of Hope...From Violence to Healing and KPFT.

READ MORE here and keep checking back...and BE SURE to see the post just below this one from the activist extraordinaire, Susanne... See Friday, October 22, 2010 for this post entitled "To advance our common humanity..."

Susanne's speech was at the Voices for Death Row Inmates peaceful protest outside the US Embassy in London, UK, on October 10, 2010. Susanne is Chairperson of the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and co-blogger to this blog.

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