Thursday, September 15, 2011

SEE Journey's FB page/blog for catch-up...

While I've been away on small family trips & adjusting to older children back home --there's been a lot of important material on the Journey's facebook page and blogging so Plz go the a good look and get involved if you are able/willing here Debbie Kearns has been on top of the news there (looks like) 24/7...

Note that another current Texas execution story involved another story of forgiveness...this time from the sister-in-law.

While we all gather for the final unified effort to halt Troy's state killing, Texas is ignoring the racial bias in Duane Buck case...

READ much more on that FB link above...THANX Debbie for your consistent and heart-felt work! You are a heroine of love for death row inmates and for the JOH!

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