Monday, August 13, 2012

PRAY. Dialogue. Act.

This effective image is from a Sierra Leone YOUTH dialogue project linked below.

St. Edwards Band, Sierra Leone -- Photo found here

Dear GOD help us all! Please help Texas today.

YET ANOTHER random shooting of at least five people has taken place. This time at Texas A&M University:

College Station police say a gunman killed a Brazos County constable and a civilian and wounded two police officers and a civilian near Texas A&M University.

Police wounded the gunman, who died in custody.

Virginia Tech, Arizona, Colorado, Wisconsin, Texas A&M... the list just keeps getting longer, and the death toll keeps getting bigger, with 34 more Americans murdered with guns every single day. How many more shootings will have to take place before lawmakers take meaningful action to address gun violence in America?

Please, click here to sign the petition from Daily Kos and our partners at Mayors Against Illegal Guns demanding a plan to reduce gun violence from both President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney.


...Chris Bowers
Campaign Director, Daily Kos

A few other resources here (plz add your own in the comments below!)

Center which includes a project for helping YOUTH dialogue about the danger of gun violence. (let's learn from this special effort in Sierra Leone!: The iEARN Collaboration Centre has a variety of dialogue and interactive projects including this one on guns.) here

Doctors Target Gun Violence -- GO here

Health Experts Call Gun Violence a Social Disease -- GO here

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