In production for The Independent Film Channel...At the Death House Door is the story of the wrongful execution of Carlos DeLuna and the Death House Chaplain, Pastor Carroll Pickett, who spent the last day of DeLuna's life with him. The feature documentary, currently in production, follows the remarkable career journey of Pickett, culminating in the story of DeLuna, a convict whose execution bothered Pickett more than any other. He firmly believed the man was innocent, and the film will track the investigative efforts of a team of Chicago Tribune reporters who have turned up evidence that strongly suggests he was. The documentary takes a very personal and intimate look at the death penalty in Texas , the first state to do lethal injection. Pickett was present for the first lethal injection in 1982. At the Death House Door is a Kartemquin Films Production in association with the Chicago Tribune. The film will debut on the Independent Film Channel, May 29 @ 9:00pm. At last report the film had received 4 awards.
- in HOUSTON: at the Rice University Media Center, May 9, 7:00pm.
Free and open to all. Post discussion will be provided with Rev. Carroll Picket and the film makers.
- in AUSTIN: May 6, 2008 at 7 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Howson Hall, 4700 Grover Ave., Austin
- in CEDAR PARK: May 8, 2008 at 7 pm, Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church
3315 El Salido Parkway,Cedar Park
- in WIMBERLY: May 9, 2008 at 7 pm, Wimberley Community Center, RR 12 and River Road in Wimberley
- in AUSTIN: May 13, 2008 at 6:30 pm, St. Austin’s Catholic Church, Hecker Hall,2026 Guadalupe, Austin, (Parking available off San Antonio, behind church) and
May 16, 2008 at 7 pm, Friends Meeting of Austin, 3701 E. Martin Luther King, east of Airport Blvd
- in LUBBOCK: Date and location TBA, If interested email lubbock@tcadp.org for more info
do you know when this is going to show in europe?
Hello Cherry,
I know that the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty showed it at the evening of their members meeting in June 2008 and I know that other organizations showed the film already as well.
Unfortunately right now I don't know of any future screenings.
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