"I'm about the share with you a story who's telling is long past due. It's a familiar story to most of you reading this from death row. And now it's one that all of you in "free world" may benefit from. This is the story of my first day on the row.
I came here in May of 1999. The exact date is something that I can't recall.
I do remember arriving in the afternoon . I was placed in a cell on H-20 wing over at the Ellis Unit in Huntsville, Tx. A Tsunami of emotions and thoughts were going through my mind at the time. I remember the only things in the cell were a mattress, pillow, a couple of sheets, a pillow case, a roll of toilet paper, and a blanket ... I remember sitting there, utterly lost.
The first person I met there was Napolean Beasley. Back then, death row prisoners still worked . His job at the time was to clean up the wing and help serve during meal times. He was walking around sweeping the pod in these ridiculous looking rubber boots. He came up to the bars on my cell and asked me if I was new.. I told him that I had just arrived on d/r. He asked what my name is. I told him, not seeing any harm in it. He then stepped back where he could see all three tiers. He hollered at everyone, "There's a new man here. He just drove up. His name is Luis Ramirez."
When he did that, I didn't know what to make of it at first. I thought I had made some kind of mistake. You see ? Like most of you, I was of the impression that everyone on d/r was evil. I thought I would find hundreds of "Hannibal Lecter's in here. And now , they all knew my name. I thought "Oh well," that's strike one. I was sure that they would soon begin harassing me. This is what happens in the movies after all.
Well, that's not what happened. (...)
Please read the rest of the story and some information about Napoleon Beazley here
that was a very DUMB decision
he shouldve gotten a second chance
that was a very DUMB decision
i think that it was wrong for napoleon to call out his name like that.
hahahahahahahah!!!!! u deserved it u idiot..! NOW COME BACK TO LIFE SO I CAN SMACK THE SH*T OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahah!!!!! u deserved it u idiot..! NOW COME BACK TO LIFE SO I CAN SMACK THE SH*T OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhmmm i think he desvesed it because he knew excatly what he was doing,hes blah bhaling about second chance this and second chance that you didnt give that old dude another chance sooooo shut up!!!
hahahahahahahah!!!!! u deserved it u idiot..! NOW COME BACK TO LIFE SO I CAN SMACK THE SH*T OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is a really good story buth at the end it was sad because they cill hem why dirent givem 5 year of jail
i think that he should had a second chance,he was just 17 and didn't think of the consecuences.i thinkit wasd his destination because he was the only that knew what he wanted.
Should'nt of did the things that he had done.
I think the reason he said that was to get some respect for Luis so he could maybe get some protection
He deserved what he got, a life for a life. If some one lost their life because of him I dont think its fair that he lives even if it's life in prison, especially now he murdered the man. Twice in the head. its was very violent, ruthless, and inhumane.
i tought beazley should have gotten life in prison without parol in the u.s constitution it states no one have the right to take some one elses life away only god can deside life to death even if he did brutally murder two people in attent to carjack them such a hard punishment shound been done.
I think that it's good that he's in jail because he's the one that shot the person. & also, he'll be probably learning many new things in jail. For example, learn the life of a prisoner. & where he is at, is just the beginning.
I think that it's good that he's in jail because he's the one that shot the person. & also, he'll be probably learning many new things in jail. For example, learn the life of a prisoner. & where he is at, is just the beginning.
I think that it's good that he's in jail because he's the one that shot the person. & also, he'll be probably learning many new things in jail. For example, learn the life of a prisoner. & where he is at, is just the beginning.
he deseerved what he got, life for a life. the way he killed that amn was violent, ruthless, and very inhumane.
why the jujudes did not gave him another chance. I know he did something wrong, but maybe he regreats that day . he could be punished with anoter thing like 20years of jail. but not with the death penalty he was a teenager. he did deserve a second chance that mine opinion for this article.
i think runescape is so awesome
I think he called him out is because he wanted Luis to get some respect from other inmates
I think that this was unfair because, humans are no one to take someones life away .What they could have done was to just give him a penalty in jail . He probably regret it and wanted to change, therefore , it was unfair . He did kill someone but, them killing him is showing that killing is a right thing to do .
i think guitar hero its awesome!
i really think this guy should hav gotten another chance.b/c he turned into a changed person that was nice,nd kind nd stuff.......ned not a car jacking killer....
I don't think he deserved to get the death penalty. Yeah made a mistake but everybody deserves a second chance. He probably realized what his mistake was. So he felt so sorry for the people he killed. Those people shouldn't have died but he was probably stressed of something. Everybody should get a second chance in their life.
I think that it was unfair to kill him because no one deserves to die. At least they should've kept him in jail for a longer time.
i think that it was racist but maybe if they would of given him a second chance he would of done better
i think its wrong what he did
I think that this is not fair because he killed her and he get go to jail and live his life ithink he should be punished.
i think that he was wrong for killing the people he killed, i think it's pretty much common sence that if you kill a person theres going to be a bad cosequencce, it's just completly dumb to not feeling responsible for your actions in which he did. But at the end he was right when he said in his letter that if that was the type of exampple they gie there children when they make mistakes like any other they wouldn't killed them we should all for give each other no matter what as long as the other person knows there wrong we should'nt hold anger against them ! but at the end i still thin k they were right for killing him because in my opinion i rather get killed then to live life in prison without one inch of freedom !
I think they waited to long to excute him he didnt want to kill mr luttiwig so why should they wait to excute him what he ddid was unhuman like and dead wrong why did he kill them he was being selfish he deserved the life penalty better yet the electric chair
Its ok to ask someone their name and if they were new, but why would he shout out he name? I wonder will they really mess with luis just because he was new?
I think they should'ev given him a second chance everyoune deserves a second chance. Just like baseball you get 3 chances to hit that ball. He should'ev got another chance to live again. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. He wasn't even evil he was a good boy.
I think that he did deserve to be excecuted because he wanted a second chance, but he did not give the man a second chance to live. Which caused a lot of people to suffer over the death of friend or family member.
I think that he did deserve to be excecuted because he wanted a second chance, but he did not give the man a second chance to live. Which caused a lot of people to suffer over the death of friend or family member.
I think if beazley had fixed his journey then he would have a better destination. He could have been in collage and got a scholarship.
Wow this was really descripteve i cant belive the puplic would let an 18 year old get killled an yet the public said noithing,nothing at all.:(
people should let beazley have a second chance and it was his first crime ever and he was a star athletics and a president in his senior class. so why did they kill him for and he was only 17 when he did his first crime and why won't his other friends get arrested and why him. but i think that now the laws is publish now so people who are 17 and under who commit a crime should have a second chance.
This article is kinda sad because the guy wants frogiveness but yet he said that what he did well never be frogive cause the murdered he did, and he was under age of 18, when he did this he yet the public doesn't said anything that just sad. I feel sorry for the kid.
Well, this is an "Unfair," story. They didn't let him a second chance; they should of let him. Only because he shoot a "known person" dosen't mean he instantly has to die. But I don't know why he did this? He needed some sense in his actions..
i think he shoulded have another second chance the people was very unfair with him cause in this wrold everibody deserves a second chance he died and thanks of his dead this law came up so he practeclly had a good reason for his dead but it was a very unfair death.
I think Nepoleon Beazley should have had a second chance because he took responsibility of his actions and then he appologized for whhat he did... Yheaa he did a bad things but esecuting him isnt right either.two wrongs dont make a right....So anyways thats all i have to say about this!!!
This was a sad story and Napoleon beazley that made a mistake and needed to have a seccond chanse.He was only 17 years old when he made the crime and he needeed a seccond chance
well, i think this is an "Unfair" story. Why? Because they did'not let him have a second chance. Althoug he did them wrong.
i still dont understand the paragragrh but i still think it had to rever to the he merdering the fater of a family so.
i still dont understand the paragragrh but i still think it had to rever to the he merdering the fater of a family so.
i think he deserved to be executed because he toke the life on an inocent old man and damaged the life of the old mans family.
N. Beazley had a good back ground. He shouldn't chose to stole the car and killed the driver and driver's wife. His destination caused him died. But his journey might change his path from going good.
I really think that it wasen't fair because he was young and he still had a long more time to spend with his family. I think that everybody deserves a 2nd chance :)
In my opinion, it is his journey that is important. His experiences and his farewell letter persuades others to believe that there is hope, and there is a second chance for those who are willing to turn back and make up for their mistakes.
i feel bad tht ppl would do such things to innecont ppl.but at the same time i think that they should have gave him another chance he woul have probly did much better and been a better person...but then again he should have not did what he did because that was wrong.
It was bad what beazley did that he killed those people just to steal their mercedes,car, but I think that the Texas Criminal justice was not unfair with beazley because he tild them that he was sorry. Every person need a second changes. All poeple lerned from their misstakes.
that was mest up he should of gotten a second chance so he could show people he had changed since the mureder that he commited but he didnt hopefully people will start giving second chances
i think this is wrong because it was his first offense i can understand if he went to prison but not on death row kids will be kids he was only seventeen
im not interested in this article my teacher made me read it
i dont like reading this type of article but i had to do it for a grade
In my opinoin i feel bad for him but at the same time he was wrong for what he did
im luis and im awesome hahahahahahahahahahahahah i rule
I think napoleon beazley was a good man and was a good cosiderate men he might have done some mistakes but everyone does i think that if i was the one who had done a mistake i would like a second chance because i am a human being and would like a second chance to i think he had his reasons and should probably receive cicological retreats so that they can understand what he has gone thru i think he has something special though.............................
the article was not fair at all because they did not give him a 2nd chance
i think that napoleon beazly was a very good man but the bad thing he did was that he comited a crime and it was a pretty bad crime,the good thing was that he regreat doing that and he wanted a second chance but they didnt give him that chance so they killed him...i think he really regreat what he did so he deserved a second chance after all...
I think that it was messsed up that they dint give him another chance
i think they should of gave him anorther chance
Well i dont really know if he deserves a asecond chance because he killed someone for no reason. That person is dead and he cant take that back even if it was a mistake.
i think this story is realy interesting and that also he needed another chance to live everyone makes mistakes in life but al least everyone deserves a secound chance
i think beazley needed another opportunity
Sometimes life dosent work as you seem but theres always an another
day ahead of you in life and one day your life will lead you to say im sorry
think before you do things
sometimes people make mistakes but some of then you just cant take back even if you try.all you do is think of what you did why you did it and sorry for what you did.
well that was sad because you deserved another changes..
well i think that if you commit a crime you should always pay.When u take away some one life you of course you need to go to prison but if you kow you didnt do it you have to defend your self the best way you can.Napoleon Beazley was a guy who knew what they did was wrong.As you can see if he could he would take it all back. I personly feel because of his age he shouldnt have death row he could have served his time so he can learn his lesson.
well i think that he should have never said his name out loud to everyone because now people are going to be bothering him every day! but u never no what they might do cuz they could kill him anytime any day well all i have to say is good luck luis ramirez!!
umm well im really curious of whats going to happen next.I thought the guy that asked for his name was trying to get to know him,until he yelledd it out to the other jail mates!!!...{{yikes}}
Every man deserves to live no matter what they did!!
he messed up
thats cool
well i guess luis ramirez will be one of the people that beazley is talking about. About how some men on d.r. wish they could have a second chance and not mess this time
Some of you might not have read it: Napoleaon Beazley was executed in 2002
Luis Ramirez was executed in 2005
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