In his last years of life, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out forcefully against war and American military expenditures robbing the poor so that they become angrier and angrier. Then as now some of his most profound and courageous stands were and are silences by major U.S. media outlets. Now, 40 years after his death most still ignores King's strong challenges to see that Love overcomes all hate and vengeance and the understanding of the disenfranchised prevails.
Find Non-Partisan Actions on Racism in the Death Penalty and Challenges to the Media, etc. that won't take long in the COMMENTS section here and feel free to send your comments to me for posting.
1 comment:
It has been 40 years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., while standing on the balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel. King was there to support striking sanitation workers, African-American men who endured horrible working conditions for poverty wages. While King’s staff was opposed to him going, as they were scrambling to organize King’s new initiative, the Poor People’s Campaign, King himself knew that the sanitation workers were at the front lines of fighting poverty.
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! from her column April 04 2008
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