HEADS UP! All the more reason for Capital "X" to be walking for us all! (Please SUPPORT the WALK4LIFE -- SEE JUST BELOW)
Judge orders death row inmate Paul House released! Freedom scheduled after hearing May 28: Paul House has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair. He has most likely been wrongly-convicted of rape and murder. However, his life took a dramatic turn Monday when a federal judge ordered the condemned man's release from prison. "I'm thrilled that he's coming home," House's mother, Joyce House, said. "He's going to get the medical attention he needs. I hate that it has taken so long." House's case is one of many across the nation thrown into doubt with
the advent and advancement of DNA evidence. Contact Chris Echegaray at 664-2144 or cechegaray@tennessean.com. See more of the story here:
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