This is the call of Andre Latallade aka Capital "X" and his and our Walk 4 Life ...
In fact, why don't YOU call Andre Latallade, aka Capital "X", right now...with YOUR solution--your offer to help in some way?
Keep handy: Andre Latallade aka Cap. "X" 281 818-8935 Bill Pelke at 305 775-5823
EMAIL Andre at this address:
CALL RIGHT AWAY if you too can support Capital "X" by offering to transport equipment or in some other way. NEW venues are needed in Virginia and North Carolina all the way to Texas. Don't forget meals and places to stay--follow your intuition! Please HELP US get this info to the PRESS. This is a GREAT STORY! Send Above numbers, email with following release to your favorite LOCAL OR NATIONAL MEDIA.
Donate at Journey of Hope--designate that this is to go for the Campaign 4 Life
Donations can be made here
Capital "X" says "separated we call for life or death, I say we unite and call for solutions...Unite everybody that is fighting injustice, and keep that unity till the end!...Can we make this (Campaign 4 Life) BIG enough to apply international pressure on the USA?"
Andre Latallade, also known as Capital-"X", has been walking from Trenton, New Jersey and plans on going the full 1,700 miles or so into KEY spots in Texas...He is headed for the North Carolina border. He has a long ways to go but is "in no ways tired."
Along with public education about ways to help prevent crime, incarceration facts and death penalty issues, Andre is trying to "build a bridge" between various victims: families and youth on all sides of the death penalty. He wants to help unite families whose experience of crime, sentencing, the court system and the process of execution may not be all that different although our society does it's best to keep them apart. This includes families of victims--including victims of executions innocent or not.
Capital "X" is also speaking to youth who didn't or don't realize the effects of their own ill-informed choices and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Latallade asks "Can we make this big enough to apply international pressure on the USA?" He says "I have Italy behind me as well as London organizations, France, Denmark and Croatia." (He is also in dialogue with other places and US states.)
Along with informing the public as he walks and stops to perform, Capital "X" is also trying to raise funds to educate people on the death penalty. Monies raised from this event will be donated to murder victim's families and abolitionist groups. Anyone interested in supporting "X" and uniting in this cause to Stop Capital Punishment. Again, feel free to email Andre at this address: and/or GIVE HIM A CALL, leave a message -- often he's able to talk or call back as he walks: Andre aka Cap. "X" 281 818-8935
FOLLOW Capital "X"'s JOURNEY here throughout the day and night--simply go for more info to the COMMENTS click for each blog: See various items today on abolition, youth sentencing and Andre's WALK 4 LIFE-- Lower Right Click on COMMENTS --Send your comments for placement in COMMENTS Section to me, Connie Nash, 828 884-9467 Cell 828 384-1501
Watch for the RIPPLE EFFECT of Andre's courageous LONG WALK. Watch how he changes people, reporters and points of view as he Walks 4 Life...Get out the word and encourage support! GO JOIN him or...have your own walk like the Grandfather and his Grandchildren below.
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