Monday, December 10, 2007

TEXAS REPORT Short Version December 2007

The day of the 25th anniversary of the resumption of executions in Texas, the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP) released a report on the state of the death penalty in Texas in 2007.

Texas Death Penalty Developments: The Year in Review covers such information as executions, stays, and new death sentences; judicial and legislative activity; and other developments impacting the state's criminal justice system.

On December 7, 1982, Charlie Brooks was the first person executed by the State of Texas under itsrevised statute – and the first person executed by lethal injection. His execution ushered in a new era (for) Texas which emerged as the uncontested leader in the use of the death penalty in the United States.

The State of Texas accounted for 62% of all executions carried out in the United States this year (26 out of 42). Only nine other states carried out executions in 2007; none executed more than three people.

Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2007: The Year inReview is available online at

Texas Death Penalty Developments in 2007 (PDF) as shown by search engine -- anniversary of the resumption of executions in Texas –- and the nation's ... 2709 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78704 (512) 441-1808.

( Longer plain text version to follow )

NOTE: The short Texas Report and the following were submitted kindly by our JOH family member, Kristin Houle, of Texas. She is focusing on prevention -- which is a much ignored area. We hope to have more on Kristin and her important work down the road. Here's a start:

Mental illness and the death penalty Go to:

Then click on the fact sheet and resource guide for pdf files of the main documents. I also have attached one of the case studies I developed for the packet

Kristin Houle


A Note from Capital Defense Weekly

Karl Keys Report sent this item December 10, 2007

December 7, 2007 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first lethal injection in the USA. The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has released its year end report for Texas which cites a slight uptick in the number of executions there, a slight rise in new death sentences, and Jack Stoffregen being hired to lead the newly-created West Texas Regional Public Defender for Capital Murder Cases, representing 85 counties in West Texas.

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