FAll Scene Vermont US here
First of all, listen to this touching telling of one couple's unthinkable story - so courageously and truthfully, eloquently spoken -- especially during this US Labor Day weekend when death by vehicle can be a kind of murder if done with too much drinking, etc. and leave scars for all...yet this also relates to parents/grandparents who lose children due to violent crime, war, floods, etc. Here's an AUDIO which just might inspire others to find or CREATE the same kind of gatherings...if not for healing exactly - for compassion and sharing of the grieving - anywhere in the world. With little if any funds needed, this is one beautiful way people can reach out to one another...
The story of grieving parents, their children and finding compassion - CLICK here
There are many ways parents lose their children. Years ago I was on a panel for a conference of bereaved parents. (Because I had written a book with my sister on the death of her daughter who was three-years old called "The Other Side of Sorrow" years ago when half the age I am now.) Next to me on the panel was a psychologist who worked in areas around the world which experienced catastrophe. She said the worst kind of grieving was parents who outlived their children - that this was an unusually hard-to-heal kind of grieving.
This "disconnect" - unnatural kind of premature bereavement - goes for parents and grand-parents who are murder victims family members who lose children to crime as well as those who lose children in war (as military or as civilians)- by violence in vehicular accidents - to neighborhoods fights or parties - or due to suicide and overdose.
This "unnatural loss" while tremendous for ALL is extra difficult for parents and grandparents who lose children in hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis or floods...
Here are various ways people who've lost children come together in prayer, empathy and sometimes to form community--even to form a kind of spiritual gathering which can't be found in many churches, synagogues, mosques, temples or other religious gatherings. There is room for many more such gatherings and connections...one on one and in larger movements..
Empathy and prayers needed for Pakistan victims of War and Floods...plz remember all the bereaved, especially parents, grandparents, spouses and children...some may call drones and those who operate murderers and do - not a good thing for either nation: here
Important Reports & Groups about losing loved ones in many contexts:
Love More to Suffer Less
As we remember to pray with and for the many bereaved parents and others from the various wars/occupations - soldiers and civilians on all sides: here
Pat Tillman's Family are Not Alone here
From one of my favorite sites on forgiveness: Singing About Revenge on Speaking of Faith blogsite here
Revenge and Forgiveness here
Bereaved Parents USA dot org here
Murder Victims Family Members for Human Rights MVFHR - great folk who practice Love more to Suffer Less! here
Murder Victims Families here
One of my favorite groups ever - what moving parents much like The Journey of Hope folk among Israelis and Palestinians with so much to teach the world!
The Parents Circle here
Last but by far not least: Be sure to see the stories on The Journey of Hope blogsite and website for other Bereaved parents who have not sought revenge.
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