You'll find all the information about this tour at the tourhomepage www.nicht-in-unserem-namen.de (translates to: "Not in our names") but please understand that this tourhomepage is written in German.
Speakers in Germany will be Terri Steinberg, Ray Krone and Bill Pelke. Choosing one death row family member, one exonereee and one victim family member, the German organizer try to show the people over there all the aspects of the death penalty.
The tour itself is organized by the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (Initiative gegen die Todesstrafe e.V.) but single events are being organized by many other organizations as well, so the tour is actually a co-operation of diffent groups working towards increasing human rights and by doing this tour together, the groups also want to express that these differnt organizations stand together in their fight againt the death penalty worldwide.
I'll list the public events below, but you'll find more detailed information about them on the tourhomepage which is also being updated daily, so please keep checking there. The school events are only being listed on the tourhomepage .
Public events:
April 28th: Göttingen
April 29th: Hamburg
May 1st: Kirchheimbolanden
May 2nd: Neustadt/Weinstraße
May 3rd: Wiesbaden
May 4th: Heidelberg
May 5th: Freiburg
May 6th: Augsburg
May 7th: Munich
May 8th: Ravensburg
May 10th: Constance
May 11th: Bad Mergentheim
May 12th: Gelnhausen
May 13th: Haunetal
May 14th: Magdeburg
May 15th: Potsdam
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