Way to go Montana! This just came this am from Bill Pelke (Also see earlier post on this special lighting - just below the Texas Action)
ITALY: Coliseum lit to mark Montana death-penalty bill
The ancient Coliseum in Rome was lit up Monday night to mark the Feb. 16 vote in the Montana Senate to end the death penalty in favor of life in prison with no parole.
The chamber supported Senate Bill 236 on a 27-23 vote.
The bill is now before the Montana House.
Rome's Coliseum, once the arena for deadly gladiator combat and executions, has become a symbol of the fight against capital punishment.
Since 1999, the 1st-century monument has been bathed in light, on the initiative of the peace activist Community of Sant'Egidio and the Council of Rome, every time a death sentence is commuted somewhere in the world or a country abolishes capital punishment.
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